Better Health 4 Middleton

Address Information

  • 1 to 1 services offered.
  • 585-591 Oldham Road, Rochdale OL16 4SU

Telephone Numbers


9am to 4.30pm Mon to Fri 0333 150 3456


Dementia Connect and local Dementia Advisers deliver 1-2-1 support for people worried about their memories or are going through the diagnosis process; or who have been diagnosed with dementia or mild cognitive impairment.

Alzheimer’s Society. Group support for people living with dementia and their carers is offered by us through the more frequent (twice weekly) Singing for the Brain sessions in Castleton.

Crisp1 and Crisp2 For carers of people living with dementia through the regular Carers Information and Support Programmes. CrISP1 supports carers of people living with dementia after a diagnosis in the family; and CrISP 2 supports carers of people living with dementia who are further on in their dementia journey.

The next CrISP1 course starts on Wednesday 7th September and runs on five consecutive Wednesday afternoons at Springhill Learning Centre, Carders Court, Castleton (2.00 to 4.30 p.m.) up to and including Wednesday 5th October. CrISP 1 is recommended for family/friend carers of people living with dementia who are new to a diagnosis of dementia and/or have been diagnosed within approx. the last two years. The learning takes place in the same environment as CrISP 2 and is intended to support carers and help them plan for the future. (Please see attached flyer for more detail).

The next CrISP 2 course starts on Friday 1st July and runs for four consecutive Friday mornings at Springhill Learning Centre, Carders Court, Castleton (10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.) up to and including Friday 22nd July. CrISP 2 offers support and information relevant for family/ friend carers of people with dementia who are more advanced on their dementia journey. The relaxed and informal learning takes place in small, supportive peer groups of up to 10 participants. (Please see attached flyer for more detail).

Anyone wishing to attend either (or both) courses must book their place first with Ali Roberts (see contact details below).
To be eligible carers and/or cared for need to be residents of borough of Rochdale, though occasionally carers from neighbouring boroughs willing to travel can be accepted onto the course if all places have not been filled by Rochdale based candidates

Alison Roberts
Dementia Support Worker - Alzheimer’s Society Rochdale
Phone: 07809 349671
Normal working days Weds, Thurs, Fri
Outside normal working days please contact 0161 477 6999 or the Dementia Connect number below.

Singing for the Brain - Rochdale

Join our singing group where you can meet new people in a friendly, fun and social environment. Singing can improve your brain activity, wellbeing and mood. You don’t need to be a good singer to benefit. Join us for fun vocal warm-ups and sing a wide variety of familiar and new songs in a supported environment. The group is hosted by our skilled, compassionate and experienced group leaders. This group is delivered through face-to-face sessions or online.
Fortnightly on Thursday, 10.30am–12.30pm
Contact 07809 349671
Singing for the Brain (SFTB) for people living with dementia and their family/friend/carer is delivered at Castleton Community Centre (not Carders Court) at 604 Manchester Rd, Castleton, OL11 3AF

Other Phonne numbers

Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456
Supporter Care team on 0330 333 0804